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ConnecTRIN Frequently Asked Questions

ConnecTRIN will be discontinued as of May 30, 2024.


How secure is ConnecTRIN?

The platform is a closed network only accessible by individuals that have been approved by Trinity College staff.  Please take a look at the privacy policy.

What can I do on ConnecTRIN?

ConnecTRIN will be discontinued as of May 30, 2024.

Who will I find on ConnecTRIN?

You’ll find Trinity students and alumni who have registered.

How can I access the platform?

You can access it on your desktop, tablet, or mobile, using all major internet service providers.

Can you update my profile for me?

No. Your profile is personal to you and we cannot change it. You will need to make any changes yourself.

I am having technical issues. Who should I contact?

If you’re getting error messages or pages are not loading properly. Please email support@graduway.com for help.

Trinity related questions? Not sure how to make a change on the site? Please email alumni@trinity.utoronto.ca for help.


ConnecTRIN is being discontinued as of May 30, 2024. Please share your feedback: alumni@trinity.utoronto.ca.