Dr. Elizabeth Abbott

Senior Research Associate in the Arts

BA History, Concordia University, 1963

MA History, McGill University, 1966

PhD History, McGill University, 1971

Research Interests:

Special interest in women’s and social justice issues, the treatment and lives of animals, and the environment.


• Haiti: A Shattered Nation. New York, London: Overlook, Duckworth, 2011.
• A History of Marriage. Toronto: Penguin, 2010. 3 foreign editions.
• Sugar: A Bittersweet History. Toronto: Penguin, 2008. 5 foreign editions.
• A History of Mistresses. Toronto: HarperCollins, 2003. 7 foreign editions.
• A History of Celibacy. Toronto: HarperCollins, 1999. 15 foreign editions.
• Associate editor), Chronicle of the Royals. Brussels: Chronicle Communications U.K., 1991.
•(Editor-in-chief), Chronicle of Canada. Brussels: Chronicle Publications, 1990.
• Haiti: The Duvaliers and their Legacy. New York: McGraw Hill, 1988. London: Robert Hale Inc., 1991.
•(General Editor), Debates of the Legislative Assembly of United Canada, 1841 to 1867. Montreal: Les Presses de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales, 1970 to 1984.
•(Editor), Racism or Responsible Government: The French Canadian Dilemma of the 1840’s. Toronto: Copp Clark, 1967.
• Tropical Obsession: A Tragedy in Four Acts Set in Haiti. Port au Prince: Editions Henri Beauchamps, 1986.

• Chapter in Provincial Justice: Upper Canadian Legal Portraits, edited by Robert L. Fraser, U of T Press, 1992.
• Biographies (ten) in Dictionary of Canadian Biography. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
• Critical essay on George Etienne Cartier in Dictionnaire des Oeuvres Littéraires du Québec.

Awards, Affiliations, Personal Interests, etc.:

• A History of Marriage, shortlisted for the Governor-General’s Literary Award for Non-Fiction, 2011.
• Sugar: A Bittersweet History, shortlisted for the Charles Taylor Award for Creative Non-Fiction, 2009.
• L’Histoire Universelle de la Chastité et du Célibat (Fides, 2001), the French translation of A History of Celibacy, won the Governor-General’s Award for Translation.
• “Haiti: Where Waters Run Brown, Equinox, National Magazine Award for environmental writing, 1991.

Elizabeth Abbott