Dr. Sherry D. Lee

Fellow of the College
Faculty of Music, Edward Johnson Building, 80 Queen's Park Crescent

BMus (Music), University of Western Ontario

MA (Musicology), University of Western Ontario

PhD (Musicology), University of British Columbia

Teaching Area:
I teach a range of courses in 19th- and 20th-century music and culture, dealing with instrumental, electroacoustic, and vocal-dramatic genres and aesthetics.

Research Interests:
My research interests are focused in the 19th and 20th centuries and include music and culture in fin-de-siecle Vienna, opera, music and technology, and the musical thought of Theodor W. Adorno. My work is informed by literary and critical theory, gender studies, performance studies, philosophy and aesthetics.

My published and forthcoming research includes articles in the Journal of the American Musicological Society, Cambridge Opera Journal, Music & Letters, the University of Toronto Quarterly, 19th-Century Music, and collected volumes including Berg and His World (Princeton UP), Franz Schreker and His Time (Hermann), and the Oxford Companion to Music and Disability Studies. My book, Adorno At The Opera, is forthcoming from Cambridge University Press.

Sherry Lee