Teaching Area:
Philosophy of Religion; Philosophy of Science; Study of Religion(s); Theology; Ethics
Research Interests:
Philosophy of the sciences – natural and social; methodology in the study of religion; history of the emergence of “religious studies” as an academic field; the cognitive science of religion.
Over 200 articles, essays, and reviews; 4 books; several edited books. Recent publications include: “The Significance of the Natural Experience of a ‘Non-Natural’ World to the Question of the Origin of Religion” (2013); “Religious Studies as a Scientific Discipline: The Persistence of a Delusion” (2012); “Pseudo-speciation of the Human Race: Religions as Hazard-Precaution Systems” (2013); “Are the ‘New Atheists’ Contributing to or Detracting from the Scientific Study of Religion” (forthcoming); etc.
Awards, Affiliations, Personal Interests, etc.:
Canada Council Fellow; SSHRCC grants recipient; Honorary Life Member of the International Association for the History of Religions (IAHR).