Ndidi Arimah at Fun Spot amusement park in Orlando, Florida (photo supplied)
Posted March 13, 2023
Meet fourth-year Trinity student Ndidi Arimah – Ndidi is one of two Senior Community Advisors (CAs) for the 2022-2023 academic year. We asked Ndidi a few questions about life as a CA and her university experiences. (You can also learn more about the CA program here)
Trinity College (TC): Why were you interested in being a Community Advisor?
Ndidi Arimah (NA): I was interested in being a CA as I had quite a bit of student life experience and I thought the CA role would be a different and challenging role to take on.
TC: Can you talk about your main responsibilities?
NA: My responsibilities include creating programming for students in my residence area, fostering community and being a person students can come and talk too. I also keep up with student progress and building friendships! As I Senior CA, I have my own section of CAs and I keep up with their progress as well and help solve any issues. CAs also make sure initiatives from the Dean of Students Office are being implemented.
TC: What is the most rewarding, and the most challenging, aspects of your CA role?
NA: The most rewarding aspect of the CA role is getting to know my students and seeing them excel in university life. Challenging – things can get pretty busy around exam times so you have to be on top of school. The role has helped me be more productive though!
TC: What do you enjoy the most about living in residence?
NA: I enjoy the small community and building relationships with people.
TC: What have you learned and enjoyed the most from your university journey/experiences?
NA: When I first came to U of T, I would only focus on academics and neglect other aspects. So I have learned how to be a well-rounded person. Enjoyable – all the amazing experiences I have gained from student leadership. I have met life-long friends and been a part of some great, fun things.
TC: What are your favourite Trinity memory?
NA: My favourite memory is probably orientation week. Everyone is so excited to come to Trinity and those feelings are infectious and motivating.
TC: As the academic year comes to a close, do you have any words of advice for current students?
NA: I would say to make sure you are taking care of yourself in all areas of life – academically, mentally, physically, socially!
TC: What are your future plans?
NA: I’ll be looking for work within my desired field and pursing a master’s degree in that field!
TC: Outside of class, what would we find you doing?
NA: You would find me spending time with friends and family, walking and listening to podcasts, and eating at new restaurants downtown.
TC: Best lesson you learned during COVID that you will continue post-pandemic?
NA: It’s okay to take some time off! COVID taught me that when you are sick, REST. I never used to do this before.