Graduands Process to Convocation Hall 2018
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Hub for Graduating Students

Welcome to the hub for graduating students. Below you will find useful information for your last year of undergraduate studies.

Important Links for Graduating Students:

Awards & Financial Aid for Graduating Students
Trinity College Graduation Awards

All graduating Trinity students are automatically considered for some graduation awards. There are also graduation awards that require students to submit an application – to view a list of these graduation awards, click here.

The Trinity College graduation awards are awarded in June. Students who graduate in November are considered for graduation awards the following June.

Convocation Ceremony

For information about the Trinity College Convocation (June and November), please visit the Office of Convocation website.

  • Graduation checklist: includes before convocation (advanced planning and timeline) and the day of your convocation

Graduation Photographs and Composites

Discounted rates and seating times for graduation photos are generally organized twice per year, in the fall and in the winter, and details are sent to 4th year students by email.  Class composites created by the studio associated with discounted rates have historically been provided at the June convocation reception.

For information on official photographs taken at in-person convocation ceremonies, please see the photo information on the Office of Convocation website.


#UofTGrad18: Meet Trinity Grad Wendy Wang
Questions? Contact:

Office of the Registrar: