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Student Heads & Student Government


The highest body of student government at Trinity is the Trinity College Meeting (TCM), which operates as a direct democracy.  Every student can bring forward motions, speak and vote at the TCM. The TCM and their meetings are run by elected-students TCM officers.

The TCM sets the social calendar for the year, reviews and amends student government documents, voices the general opinions of the student body, establishes and directs student clubs and holds annual student elections. The TCM has various elected Officers (Chair, Secretary and Treasurer) that work on its behalf, as well as various boards and committees that help it work more effectively. Student government and governance documents and forms can be found on the student-managed TCM Linktree site.


There are six-elected student Heads representing undergraduate Arts & Science students and elected Divinity Heads representing Faculty of Divinity students who serve the College to make the student experience the best it can be. The Heads serve on various governing bodies of the College and the university. Working with other student leaders, the Heads help all students get and stay involved on campus. If you ever have any questions, connect with one of the Heads – they are a great resource of information and advice.


  • Head of Arts: Emily Qin, Shakura Kabir
  • Head of College: Bhavnoor Pannu, Chelsea Tho
  • Head of Non Residence Affairs Committee (NRAC): Tavie Johnson, Natalie Lo
  • Co-Head of Divinity: Sarah Griffin, Karim Guirguis
  • Trinity College Meeting (TCM): Jacob Buchan (Chair), Kaelem Moniz (Secretary), Raihan Woodhouse (Treasurer), Divvy Gupta (Deputy Chair), Gravity Guignard (Auditor)