Church outside the walls: Past, Present and Future

Church Outside the Walls poster

Join leaders from the Anglican Church of Canada Archbishop Anne Germond, Archbishop Linda Nicholls and Bishop Victoria Matthews to reflect on questions of church outside the walls through the lens of church leadership.

  • Where did challenges lead the Church into important new conversations and ways of being?
  • How are Canadian Anglicans being called to engage with the world outside our walls?
  • Where do you sense the Holy Spirit is leading us in the coming ten or twenty years?
  • What is your guidance for divinity students and the newly ordained in our changing situation?

Join us for sharing and thoughtful discussion on “Church outside the walls: Past, Present and Future” 

Thursday, February 6 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom

Register Here!

“Humbler Church – Bigger God: Church Outside the Walls” is a collaboration between Trinity College Divinity Associates Executive and the Faculty of Divinity’s Reimagining Contemporary Ministries for a Renewing Church initiative. Trinity College alumni, faculty, students and friends continue to gather throughout the year in lectures, panels, and other events, both in person and online, to bring together ideas and experiences exploring the theme of Church Outside the Walls and more in our Canadian church.