Trinity College understands the value of learning through experience. We believe that internationally focused learning experiences outside of the classroom, puts into context the theoretical learning done within the traditional classroom. Our experiential learning opportunities not only enrich the student experience, but are designed to align with the community needs in which the student researcher is participating in.
Getting involved in internships, research opportunities and experiential learning programs will help you prepare for your future. Trinity students have been involved in amazing research projects, most recently in Australia, India, South Africa, and Belize. You will also have many research and experiential learning opportunities, including international experience through Trinity’s Universities Canada Program and the Immunology International Summer Research Experience. Trinity’s Comprehensive Paper and Independent Studies Program will allow you to work directly with one of our outstanding faculty mentors in research areas that are of interest to you.
The Faculty of Arts & Science also offers the Research Opportunity Program (ROP), which provides students in their second and third year the opportunity to work closely with a professor (supervisor) on a research project in return for a course credit.
For experiential learning opportunities, Trinity students can apply for financial support, such as funding to assist with attendance at conferences, service learning and study abroad programs.
Additional resources and opportunities are available on the U of T Experiential Learning Hub.