Comprehensive Paper

Message from the Director

The Comprehensive Paper (TRN377Y1Y & TRN477H1Y) program offers Trinity College students the opportunity to engage in some in-depth research and writing activities. It assumes that the act – and the art – of the writing process can add another important dimension to the research endeavour.

It begins with the foundation of good research but then places an especial focus on good writing. Arguably, this is the true measure of a university, the ability of faculty and students to undertake effective research but then, crucially, the ability to communicate the results. This art of communication is a lifelong learning process. And, while not the focus of this program, it is one not directed solely to other academics, but also to the public. This ability to push the knowledge out into the common weal, to engage the public; that’s the challenging part.

The program was the brainchild of the late Trinity alumna Anne Steacy. It represents a treasured legacy of the continuing involvement of Trinity students and contributes to the deep sense of history that is this College and this University. Anne was at one time a writer at Maclean’s and believed strongly in cultivating writing skills at the university level. To that end she made an endowment to make the program possible.

A significant part of this program is the opportunity to engage at a personal level with faculty – to observe close-hand research practice. Many former students of this program have felt that this formed some of their most impactful university experiences. Former students have gone on to continue their education at many of the top universities of the world. We like to think we are at least a small part of this.

The primary aim of the program is to undertake a report in depth on a research endeavour. An optional second year is to distil those results down into a publishable paper. We have seen students who have undertaken this part have their results published in journals and major reference works, some garnering awards along the way.

To learn more about the Comprehensive Paper program, please visit the following pages: TRN377Y1Y & TRN477H1Y courses, guidelines for students & faculty, projects & application form, and frequently asked questions.

Leslie Boehm

Leslie Boehm
Director, Independent Studies and Comprehensive Paper

Contact Us – Comprehensive Paper:

Leslie Boehm
Director, Independent Studies and Comprehensive Paper