
The works of Winston Churchill were translated into many languages and published abroad in numerous editions, of which the Graham Library has received nearly one hundred from the Watt collection– in Danish, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hebrew, Portuguese, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, and Swedish. The wide range of translations establishes the global importance of Churchill as a figure and demonstrates the influence of his writing.

Especially notable among these are ones from Churchill’s own library at Chartwell, including several beautifully bound presentation copies sent to Churchill by his publisher.

Some highlights include:

Savrola (Monaco, 1950)

Churchill French

A French translation of Churchill’s novel Savrola. The story is republished 50 years later with beautifully illustrated woodcuts by André Collot and printed in a limited edition of 950 copies. The work is presented as a folio in a slipcase, and it was intended to be bound by the purchaser.

Reden 1942 : das Ende des Anfangs (Zurich, 1948)

Churchill German

A German translation of The End of The Beginning, printed by Europa Verlag in Zurich was limited to 3300 copies. The third volume of Churchill’s War Speeches, it contains many of his most inspiring speeches.

Grosse Zeitgenossen (Amsterdam, 1938)

Churchill German

A German translation of Great Contemporaries, this first edition omits a chapter on the ex-Kaiser. This chapter is included in the second edition under the same title, also in the collection [Churchill German2].