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Short Bibliography for the Study of Church History

Items marked with an asterisk (*) are in the Graham Library.

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Early Church and Medieval

For primary sources in translation, a good place to start is The Ante-Nicene Fathers and The Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers (also online through UTL at the same link), even though the translations lack fluidity at times. Other texts can be found in the series The Fathers of the Church published by The Catholic University of America Press. Translations of medieval texts are more scattered, though some useful texts may be found in the series The Library of Christian Classics.


Primary texts of the Reformers are usually found in collections devoted to specific writers,e.g. Luther’s Works or Calvin’s Commentaries (catalogued by Biblical book title) and Tracts and Treatises. Some sources are also available in The Library of Christian Classics.


Global Christianity

British Church History and Anglicanism

Many primary sources can be found in the collected works of significant writers (e.g. Hooker, Law, Temple, etc) which are held by the Graham Library.